Helene Schlanger Rothschild honors her sisters Feiga Schlanger, who was born in 1920, and Esther Schlanger, who was born in 1918. When Helene left Europe, her sisters were 17 and 19, respectively. Both sisters were hard working and helped out with farm duties; they worked on corn, beans, and potatoes in the garden, and took care of the chickens, geese, cows, and horses on the farm. Feiga had blonde hair, and Esther had curly red hair. Neither was married when they died at Auschwitz. Out of all of Helene’s siblings, five survived the Holocaust and three perished; Helene says that “G-d spared me for some reason.” In 1937, Helene moved to the United States with the assistance of the May family. She later worked at the May Hosiery Mill along with several other women who had recently left Germany.