Elaine Preis, Bill Cook, Linda Preis, and Barry Zeitlin honor Ignaz Preis, who was born in 1884 in Vienna, Austria. He served in the Austro-Hungarian military during World War I, and worked as a mechanic in a garage. His children, Fritz and Alfred, attempted to get him out of Europe during the Holocaust, but they were never able to do so. They were unable to find out what had happened to him. It was later discovered by one of his descendants, Julie Doochin, that he was deported on October 27, 1939, under the Nisko Plan, and he soon ended up in Soviet territory. The Soviets believed that he was a German spy, and put him in a work camp in Kazakhstan. The last letter that the family received from Ignaz was in 1941. Ignaz Preis is believed to have died in the Soviet Union.

Email concerning Ignaz Preis and family:
Dear Ms. Doochin,
In the attachment you find more information about the family of Ignatz Preis. Mr. Eckstein ( [email protected], address below) from the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde sentto me.translatedentry,you can hopefully read it. don’t hesitate to send me an email, if you need further information.
Der Geburtseintrag:
(GB Fh2 184/1884) 7. Nov. 1884, Ignatz Preis, in Meidling, Rosaliagasse 9, Vater: Michael Preis, Hausierer aus Kobersdorf, Mutter: Katti geb. Schidlof, getraut in Fünfhaus (587/1877).
Die Annahme des Zusatznamens „Israel“ ist gleich zweimal eingetragen: 19.5.39 BH 4/5, dann 26.7.1940 – da dürfte er ja bereits längst in Nisko eingetroffen sein.
Übrigens sind 7 weitere Kinder des Michael Preis eingetragen.
Zu Hermine über die Geburt des Sohnes Alfred (203/1911):
Geburtsname Heim, geboren am 6.7.1887, Ort nicht angegeben, Tochter des Sandor Heim und der Ernesztina geb. Geiger. Da die Heirat im ungarischen Sopron am 30.3.1910 stattfand, sind die Namen magyarisiert, so sind die Eltern des Ignatz als Mihaly und Katalin angegeben. Der Sohn Alfred wurde am 2.2.1911 in Wien XII, Ignazgasse 12 geboren und verließ am 12.3.1936 das Judentum.
Birth Entry: (GB Fh2 184/1884) 7. Nov. 1884, Ignatz Preis, in Meidling, Rosaliagasse 9 (address) father: Michael Preis, hawker, peddler from Kobersdorf (http://www.kobersdorf.at/)
Mother: Katti née Schidlof married in Fünfhaus (a district of Vienna) (587/1877).
When Austria was occupied by the NazisJews had to take a second name “Israel”: There are two entries of Ignatz Preis concerning the name “Israel” 19.5.39 BH 4/5 and 26.7.1940 – at this time he was already in Nisko (http://yad-vashem.org.il/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%205965.pdf).
According to the register Michael Preisseven other children.
Hermine concerning the birth of her son Alfred (203/1911):
Maiden name Heim, born on 6.7.1887, no place registered, daughter of Sandor Heim and Ernesztina née Geiger. The marriage took place in Sopron (Hungaria, http://www.ohb.hu/city/sopron/index.en.html) on
30.3.1910, so of Ignatz’s parents are spelled in Hungarian,and Katalin.son Alfred was born on 2.2.1911 in Vienna XII Ignazgasse 12. Alfredon.3.1936.
Mag. Wolf-Erich Eckstein
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien
phone +43-1-53104-172
[email protected]
With kindest regards
Mag. Gerda Koller
Austrian National Library
Research Department
Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Wien
Tel: +43-1-53410-444
Fax: +43-1-53410-437
Mail: [email protected]