Esther Loeb and Regina Stern honor their father Joseph Anszel Kirszenberg, who was born in Poland and died in a Siberian labor camp of disease. Before the war, he worked in a men’s clothing store, and was known for his love of dancing and singing. He and his wife Chana would go to balls and win prizes for their skillful ballroom dancing. When the war broke out, Josef and his wife Chana endured a terrible two-week journey in order to get to Lodz; under very dangerous conditions, they walked at night, and hid during the day. After more struggles, the family ended up in a Siberian labor camp, where Joseph died of disease. His daughters had attempted to find milk for him from a farm six miles away, but they were unable to save him. Joseph was put into an old coffin on a horse-driven sled and then buried in the ground without any prayers. His one-year old son, also named Joseph, after him, soon thereafter died at the same labor camp.